For the first time Qanun Jinayat or local regulations governing criminal penalties in Aceh applied Buddhists. Execution caning was done Friday, March 10, 2017, against two people accused of involvement Buddhists cockfight gambling.

Alem Suhadi, 57 years old, and Amel Akim, 60 years old, are the descendants of ethnic Chinese and included Buddhist minorities. They were flogged in front of dozens of local officials and hundreds of residents in Jantho, Aceh Besar district, Aceh.

Both men cringed as each received nine and seven lashes on their backs. Total whip had been reduced because they have been detained for more than a month since police arrested them while clashing chickens in Aceh Besar in January 2017.

"When they were arrested, police seized two chickens and betting money Rp 400 thousand," said prosecutor Rivandi Aziz was quoted as saying by The Straits Times and Tempo.co.

Qanun (Regional Regulation) Jinayat Aceh passed the House of Representatives on September 27, 2014 and became effective starting October 23, 2015. Qanun Jinayat (criminal) regulates prohibited acts of Islamic law and about the punishment meted out to the perpetrators of judges.

Acts that set of which include wine (liquor), gambling (gambling), seclusion (deeds hidden two people of the opposite sex who is not mahram), ikhtilath (making out of two people of the opposite sex who are not married), adultery, sexual harassment, and rape. Furthermore, also qadzaf (accused person can commit adultery without asking at least four witnesses), liwath (homosexual) and musahaqah (lesbian).

The punishment given to offenders is flogging or a fine in the form of gold or in prison. The number of whipping or fines depending on the error rate. The lightest ten times or a fine of 100 grams of gold, or imprisonment of 10 months and the heaviest is 150 times or a fine of 1,500 grams of gold or 150 months in prison.

Meanwhile, radical Buddha figure from Myanmar, Wirathu harshly criticized the caning sentence imposed on Buddhists in Aceh.

The monk responsible for the deaths of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have threatened to invade Aceh and the Indonesian fishermen were caught sailing in their area.

"None of the Buddhists were persecuted but we'll get back," he said.

Source: The Straits Times

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