Iran's Defense Minister, General Hossein Dehghan, acknowledged that his country had recently test-fired missiles. Iran open statement was delivered a few days after their intercontinental missiles fell in Myanmar.

Until now there has been no official reports of casualties fell. The White House said it would examine a number of reports about the launch of Iran's ballistic missiles in violation of UN resolutions.

Gen. Hossein told the news agency Tasnim, missile tests were in line with Iran's plan, "And we will not allow foreigners to interfere in the affairs of our defense," he said.

Hossein did not say when the trial was conducted or what type of missiles fired. But he explained that cona test did not violate UN resolutions or the nuclear deal in 2015.

According to Hossein, Iran signed a nuclear deal with six countries superstrength not enter the missile test.

When the nuclear deal went into effect in 2016, the UN Security Council immediately pull almost all sanctions against Tehran, including a ban on missile tests carrying nuclear warheads.

The UN Security Council, however, stick to a resolution in 2015 stating that Iran should not be test-fired missiles.

According to the Jewish News, Iran has long-range missiles, who has a cruising range of 1,200 miles or 1,900 kilometers.

"This missile capable of reaching the entire country in the Middle East, including Israel," wrote Jewish News, Thursday, February 2, 2017.

Iran explained their missiles can hit the US military bases in the Middle East, as well as a key barrier to the US and resist the Israeli attack. (tempo)

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